No discernible difference in play even though I have suffered through 110 levels and earning bonuses by collecting prizes. Puzzle pieces that I have collected are NOT "remembered" and retained. Ive had to collect the same pieces (some at least 4 times!). I am still having to wait for coins to regenerate making play slow, tedious, and painful. Free coin options on tapjoy rarely if ever actually give the coin they state even when you go through all the steps and survey that take you through web page after web page of pop up questions. Taking more of your time to Write to app developers to report undelivered "free" coins results in more follow up back and forth time consuming emails that then results in only half of the original stated "free" coins. In the years I have seen apps, the good the bad and the ugly. This is the first Ive ever been so frustrated with one that I felt compelled to warn others to stay away.